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Upozornění: Krátké zprávy nemusí vždy vyjadřovat postoje a stanoviska LEX.
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»...One man feared he was witnessing a serious incident when he saw two officers wearing handguns at a petrol station in the city-centre

Another told the Press and Journal he saw two uniformed officers with pistols in holsters queuing for a checkout at his local Aldi store yesterday.

The man, Brian Mackenzie, said ►their appearance was “sinister”.◄

It has also emerged that armed police were present at the recent Highland Cross biathlon.

One man who noticed their weapons told John Finnie MSP he “did not feel safe” when he saw them...«

- na tento článek navazuje další:

»...Mr MacAskill said: “I believe that 98.6% of officers in the Police Service of Scotland are not armed or authorised to be armed.

“About 1.4% or 1.6% or approximately 275 officers, are so authorised.

“Some of those officers are on leave and some have been abstracted.

“They operate on a significant shift system, so the number of routinely armed officers in Scotland is a fraction of that number.”...«


- případná návštěva ČR musí být pro ně děsivá záležitost  :)


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